Linda Odubayo Thompson Speaks About her Mother’s Life

Linda Odubayo Thompson Speaks About her Mother’s life at Croton Lions Club Dinner Meeting
Linda is the author of her mother’s Memoir—I Know My Way
Gazette article October 12, 2018

Marianne Sniffin, the President of the Croton Lions Club contacted Linda Odubayo Thompson, the eldest daughter of Jerry and Terry Marafito to speak about her Theresa (Terry)mother’s life and replied quickly stating that she would like to talk about what the Croton Lions Club meant to her family down through the years. This was top priority than to talk about Linda as the author of her mother’s life story…I Know My Way Memoir: Always Remember to Color the Sky Blue.

A total of 24 were in attendance at the dinner meeting of the Croton Lions Club on Tuesday October 23, 2018 held at Fino’s Italian Restaurant on Baltic Place, Croton. Linda was surprised to see the spouses of the Lions also in attendance.

After the salad course President Marianne gave Linda the floor.
Linda did not stand, but stated instead, “I don’t like looking down on the people I am addressing, rather I will remain seated!”

Linda said, “The Croton Lions came to be very important to her family, starting in the early 1960s.”

-Terry and Jerry belonged to a blind and visually impaired club in the city of New York, and it was their turn to hold a national tournament in Manhattan but were looking for a way to raise money to make it all happen. From Terry’s Memoir, Jerry stated, “why not have an exhibition of blind bowling, buy up a few trophies and pocket the rest.” The Club was enthusiastic but where could they make it all happen? Jerry continued, “Why not Croton” Later Terry asked, “How can we hold a tournament here in Croton when we hardly know anybody yet.” Right ahead Jerry said, “We’ll contact the Lions Club, they are interested in sight conservation issues and we just need their help to promote the exhibition.” Gordon Bradfield was contacted and said, “Why don’t two Lions teams roll against two of yours!” The event was a great success and it wasn’t long before Gordon sponsored Jerry into the Lions Club.

-Not many years later, Terry was looking at the stack of bills which seemed to grow by the day. You see her husband Jerry was in bed with pneumonia, while the two girls had measles and her mother was in the hospital having had a massive heart attack. Reluctantly Terry contacted Robbins Pharmacy and explained that she would have to make some arrangements to pay their large bill. Right away the owner stated, “Terry your friends paid the entire bill, you owe me nothing.” After hanging up the phone terry cried because the friends had to be members of the Croton Lions Club.

-In 1966, Jerry had been working in the vending stand business in NYC, but was not making enough money to feed his family and wondered what to do. Gordon Bradfield, an Administrator for the railroad in Croton presented Jerry with the answer to his prayers. He was to become the owner of the newsstand at the Croton Harmon Railroad Station, when hearing about this, Jerry stated, “Where do I go, how do I sign up, I’ll get down on my knees and beg if I have to.”

-The newsstand was a wreck of a structure and once again the Lions came down with tools in hand and worked to make the place more presentable. The stand would be part of the Marafito family for over 51 years, and would close its doors having lost a bid to continue serving their customers on November 30, 2017.

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